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The power of new angles to uncover your astonishment for daily life

  Another quiet, slow, rather minimally productive (by material world standards, but never by divine realm standards) Sunday had evaporated. I had loaded and started my idiotic (for those who followed my kitchen tribulations in former posts) dishwasher (guess what... it is finally draining ! I just have to press ''cancel'' twice for a 2-min drainage, which does nothing the first time but does work if I try again hours later). The load of laundry was waiting for its turn in the machine. My herbal tea had been enjoyed. I was filled with the velvety satisfaction from giving back to life: I had replenished the hummingbird feeder as an expression of gratitude for nature. I was about to call it a day, without even having found the inspiration to write my weekly blog, when the silhouette of a heart on the wall caught my attention. I had been struck by the simple beauty of certain corners of my house I had been looking at from angles or corners of the room where I was not typic

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