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On powering through January

My winter walk companion  (from a gift as original as the friend who found this irresistible pair for me) Ugh, the chronically dreaded month of January. On social media recently, I shared a sarcastic meme that I could relate to: ''In January, I am doing a challenge called January. It means getting through all the days of January''. Another went like this: ''January - (n.) A giant Monday''. In my blog from a year ago, I was describing what came after the holiday season as ''the nothing of a long 31-day month'', and I emphasized how such a ''relative nothing'' was challenging for the energy level, the motivation when it was so cold, humid and still dark early... I still remember the tsunami of despair washing over me while in medical school, sleep-deprived because of 12-h night shifts during my Ob-Gyn rotation, as I was caught in a battle against exhaustion itself, drooling on my textbooks, between unhealthy food cravings......

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