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What is a Mother ?

''Maman, did you bring snacks ?'' Boy, did I hear this question a lot... Now my boyfriend calls me  ''The Queen of Snacks''. Because food is love, right ? During one of our numerous trips when I was traveling as the only adult. I decided my sons needed to wear red so I could spot them easily in airports (they were VERY good at exploring !) Bundle of love and joy 💖 Because I have one and am one, I did spend a lot of time pondering on something that might seem obvious but turns out to be complex, and probably the hardest tasks, because it includes not only one of the most challenging missions, which is becoming who we are meant to be, but doing so as we guide our children to become who they are, not merely extensions of our unfulfilled, craving, impermanent ego.  The mother is the life-giver. Without her womb, there would not be viable conditions for a child to be born. The mother gives the possibility of motherhood too, through the X chromosome she gives

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